Another Visit to New Hope
At this point, it’s a ritual for me to visit New Hope Cemetery each time I’m in Franklin. I always feel an otherworldly sense of calm when I enter the resting grounds. This past fall, I stopped by to check on the cemetery. The climb up the hill to New Hope is a steep and arduous one, but it’s worth it. On that particular day, the cemetery opened up to a glorious, welcoming view. The sky was a vibrant blue and the leaves were glorious hues of red, orange, and yellow. While the headstones were mostly clear, the unmarked graves had begun disappearing into the ferns again.

I used this visit as an opportunity to take more video of the area, documenting as many marked and unmarked graves as I could find. On this trip, I counted approximately 60-70 graves (most of them unmarked). This is compared to the seven confirmed marked graves and thirty-four unmarked graves previously documented by myself and Barbara McRae.
Join me on my tour of New Hope Cemetery in the video below.
Thinking of the individuals, known and unknown who are buried here… There’s still so much work to be done.