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McDonnell Family Documents

Below, you’ll find records that have been encountered during the research for the McDonnell family. If you would like an original copy of a record, please follow the citation in the photo’s caption or contact me.

Census Records

Census records can tell you about the individuals who were living in your ancestor’s household during a certain year. These records are useful for identifying family members and neighbors. It can also help track your ancestors’ migration patterns.

Note: Census record headings have been added to the below images for document clarity.

Death Records

Death records are useful for verifying when an ancestor passed away, how he/she died, and where he/she was buried. They can also tell you about occupations and help identify family members and residences.

Marriage Records

Marriage records can help verify family, friends, neighbors, and of course, indicate the date that a couple was married.


Occasionally, your relatives may appear in newspaper articles. These articles can provide a wealth of information.

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