Birthdate: on MAY 1857
Birthplace: South Carolina
Spouse(s): Ida ROGERS (In 1897; Unknown)
Deathdate: on 14 MAY 1935 (in Walhalla, Oconee County, South Carolina, United States of America)
George was born in either May 1857 or May 1859 in South Carolina. His parents, currently unknown, were also born in South Carolina. I do not know if he had any brothers or sisters. The earliest records that I’ve found show that George knew how to read and write since at least 1900.
Family lore states that George had another wife before he married Ida. I have found clear evidence of this, but have yet to confirm the woman’s name. But when George turned 19, he became a father– very possibly for the first time. His first child was a daughter named Mary E. Lawrence. She was born in August 1878. 1 Four years later, his son, Robert E. Lawrence was born. During this time, George was likely living in the Keowee Township of South Carolina, the same township Ida grew up in. It’s possible that this is how they met.

By 1896, he had become a grandfather. Mary had had a son named John W. Lawrence. Over the next few years, Mary, John, and Robert would live in George and Ida’s home. They didn’t stay for free though. George put Mary and Robert to work on the family farm. It’s likely that John often played with his uncle, Walter Sylvester Lawrence and aunt, Lidie V. Lawrence, who were close to his age.
Also according to family lore, George had a total of about 22 children, both with Ida and with at least his first wife. Unfortunately, I have only identified 16 so far.
George never served in the military. He had the good fortunate to be too young for the Civil War (he would’ve been 1 at the war’s start) and too old to be drafted for World War I (he would’ve been 55 at it’s start). He also did not volunteer himself for the Spanish American War (which did not require a draft), even though he would’ve been the appropriate age.
Around the time he married Ida, it seems like he moved to Wagener Township of South Carolina. He would stay there for the rest of his life.
Shortly after Ida’s death, he and his youngest daughters (Carrie and Georgia) moved in with a daughter and son-in-law– Birdie and Vester Rice. As an elderly man, George continued to work as a farm laborer until he turned 76. In the summer of 1934, he fell ill with Lobar pneumonia. He died about a year later. 2

Family Tree
- “United States Census, 1900,” database with images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 9 July 2019), George W Lawrence, Wagener Township (north part) West Union town, Oconee, South Carolina, United States; citing enumeration district (ED) 77, sheet 9B, family 181, NARA microfilm publication T623 (Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 1972.); FHL microfilm 1,241,537.
- “South Carolina Deaths, 1915-1965,” database with images, FamilySearch ( : 18 July 2017), George Lawrence, 14 Mar 1935; citing , Lawrence, George, 1935, Department of Archives and History, State Records Center, Columbia; FHL microfilm 1,944,148.