Stewart Family Documents
Below, you’ll find records that have been encountered during the research for the Stewart family. If you would like an original copy of a record, please follow the citation in the photo’s caption or contact me.
Census Records
Census records can tell you about the individuals who were living in your ancestor’s household during a certain year. These records are useful for identifying family members and neighbors. It can also help track your ancestors’ migration patterns.
Note: Census record headings have been added to the below images for document clarity.
Death Records
Death records are useful for verifying when an ancestor passed away, how he/she died, and where he/she was buried. They can also tell you about occupations and help identify family members and residences.
Military Records
Military records can tell you a bunch of information! World War I and World War II Draft Registration Cards in particular (such as those shown here) can provide you with a birth date, address, employer, relative’s name, and even provide a physical description of your ancestor!
Occasionally, your relatives may appear in newspaper articles. These articles can provide a wealth of information.
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